Its really simple…really.

Hasan Ahmad
3 min readJan 20, 2021

As you see the politics of America today you must be amazed like many are of how far America as a society has fallen. America always had issues, the racism and social discomforts were always there but it kept on moving. It kept on progressing day after day with a new level of movement towards a better nation. We see today however that the movement has stumbled despite the election of Joe Biden who defeated arguably one of the worst presidents in US history.

The stumble has come as a result of people speaking up. Now speaking up is a good thing, in fact it is a great thing but the country has forgotten how to really control it. You see it all around you. The left is speaking in ways that even a slight deviation from the expected norms of their expectations are met with utter derision and a person with a view that is not harmful is treated almost in the same manner as the worst. The right, which is infinitely worst in its conduct has completely become beholden to the worst of American society. The white supremacists, the bigots, the Nazis. America moved a lot better when people spoke with a measured tone and spoke up and also shut up when they let their emotions get to them. I am sure its happened to you as well. In fact I have seen it happen to the folks who even a decade ago were not ‘angry’ at what is going on around us.

Sometimes the anger is justified. When you have an insurrection your anger can be justified as to how could it possibly happen in 2020 after all the progress. How could the conservative party fall for Nazi and white supremacist talking points they tried years to move away from or attempt to supress them to the point of moving away from it slowly. Maybe they never moved away from it but now everyone is either a bigot or hating the bigot. No one or almost no one is looking for a solution. The bigots on the right have to be told when they are bigots but when does the education come in? Is America just going to stop caring that the people exhibiting the worst behavior can be reformed? How are we getting better as a nation. It seems that the hate for the action has transformed into hate for the individual and that is never going to resolve. The left always calls on history and says after the civil war, the south lost and the right says another civil war has to happen to resolve but the country did end the civil war and the aftermath was a focus at least by some to unite the people. Eventually unity through some form, be it education or other form has to occur. Why do you need a civil war for unity to occur again? Even if the south only suppressed its overt racism after the civil war there was some progress to the point that slavery did end even if its remnants remain through structural racism. Why should the focus not be the end this structrural racism without bloodshed? Without any war?

it is really simple, you have to start hating the repugnant views and acts while not hating the person. views are rigid, the mind is maleable. Just like going up and down a hill, the easy part is falling down an immoral path, the harder part is going up a part which you are not comfortable with but you know in the back of your mind is the right one and maybe that is what we should be speaking up for.



Hasan Ahmad

The sarcastic joker, from Pakistan to Canada to America. Love cats and have a complicated relationship with dogs. A Husband, a Father, Ahmadi Muslim